My husband, my young adult children and I were active in one of Andy's churches for over 12 years. My husband and I were both in leadership/ministry roles. The friendships we made there were dear to us and the ministry opportunities were abundant. However, we failed to see unbiblical teaching as it crept in. And creep in it did. In all honesty, we probably didn't want to see. That's why Andy Stanley and pastors like him are so dangerous. They make church so fun and comfortable that It's difficult to fathom leaving. But when this current heresy was revealed, we all left. We thank God that this specific issue arose and He opened our eyes.

Thank you for doing this segment. I pray that it will open the eyes of others!

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Thanks for your affirmation and support. You are absolutely correct...Mr. Stanley and pastors like him, are dangerous, especially in light of the fact they have a worldwide audience. They are, I am convinced, the end-times false teachers that our Lord and Savior warned of. Thanks again.

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