I see this same thing in the fathers too. I find that even more concerning than the mothers!

It is very difficult to help these parents see what they’re doing, even when they are desiring to parent well and biblically

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I suspect you meant, "ESPECIALLY when they are desiring to parent well and biblically." In which case, yep. There's a whole lot of people who occupy pews every Sunday morning who are woefully unable to think critically about themselves.

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This post also reminded me of Lenore Skenazy's post about labor-intensive, "psudo-joyful" parenting: https://twitter.com/FreeRangeKids/status/1724913535535165543

The mommy cult culture is that we completely entertain and respond to our children's desires 24 hours a day because we feel guilty we're not around more. I'm a full-time working mom with one kid, and I understand this desire, and have to fight it, because it makes my kid entitled and demanding. But man, it's hard. Because the subtext is that if you don't behave this way, you're not a good mom/parent.

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I can't help but wonder if Hoda's child made her fanciful request the first time thinking, "Mom will understand this a pretend." But then, Mom complied! How exciting! And, night after night, she just kept complying! That child is an excellent trainer; maybe give her a puppy a few years hence.

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Serious question - what should a mother like her be doing instead?

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