My kids are grown. How I miss those days at home when they were young, reading your column in the "newspaper" (!), no computers or cell phones, no gov. interference for the most part. Just love and life!

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Well written and I’m

Glad you will continue encouraging parents and grandparents to walk in truth as they train their children in truth and love to enjoy the awesome outcome !

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Congratulations on your unofficial “retirement”!

I still need you to remind me through all these columns why I’m the “mean mom” to the 4 and 6 year olds and the “bad boy” to the 2 year old. 🙃

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N.C. republican candidate for governor, Mark Robinson, is leading in the polls. 2 public members (non-license psy.) positions on the N.C. Board of Psychology should be open in 2025. If Robinson appointed you to the board as a public member, that should serve your purpose. Just say'n.

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Great retirement letter - the last line made me laugh. I've no idea what the "boogaloo" is, but it sounds fun.

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