Kamala says that if the American public (has completely lost its collective mind and) elects her POTUS or if the Demoncrat Party can again figure out how to turn a loss into a “win,” she has no intention of imposing a ban on fracking. Even better, she will not raise the taxes of anyone earning less than $400,000 per annum.
Really? C’mon! Kamala Harris, who is a living, perpetually giggling hand puppet for the special interests that support the Demoncrats, is going to defy the bosses and bossettas of the party’s radical left and let the evil frackers have their way with us? And she is not going to raise your income tax unless you make more than she will make as POTUS ($400,000 per annum). Because you, by virtue of following my writings (i.e., appreciation of my thought processes), are one of the smartest people in the world, you do not believe any of that scripted prevarication.
If Kamala was telling the truth, she would not be a Demoncrat. But she is a Demoncrat; therefore, she is not telling the truth. First, POTUS does not have the authority, unilaterally, to ban fracking. She knows that. Second, POTUS does not have the Constitutional authority to determine who pays what amount in taxes. She also knows that. So, when and if Kamala becomes POTUS, and a Demoncrat Congress bans fracking and ups your tax burden, she can simply say, “Gosh and golly gee willikers! If it had been up to me, well, you know, but it’s not up to me. Sorry. (Let the giggling commence!)”
And she will sign both bills because they will be included in bills that provide financial relief for some tear-jerking cause.
Have you heard? Jimmy Kimmel says Donald Trump is a liar! Like, Jimmy Kimmel! Wow! If Kimmel says so, then so do Fallon and Colbert and Stewart and Goldberg, and that settles it! Supposedly, Trump’s latest lie is that he’s even greater than Elvis. Well, yes, the Donald is greater than Elvis. That is not a lie. At the age of 42, Elvis died a bloated, irrelevant drug addict who could barely croak a tune. The Donald is 78 years old and still going strong, having never, by his own account, had a glass of beer, wine, or booze. Elvis had numerous hit records. He sold out more than 800 consecutive shows at the Las Vegas Hilton from 1969 to 1976. That’s impressive, but Trump created thousands of jobs before he was POTUS and his economic policies facilitated the creation of millions more. His net worth is 3.6 billion dollars. Trump has been President of the United States! Elvis was a rock star—arguably the greatest-ever voice in rock ‘n’ roll—but can we agree that rock star is not greater than POTUS?
I could go on. Trump is greater than Elvis ever was. No doubt about it. I’m greater than Elvis, even. But I’m not greater than Trump. Trump is not interested in making himself any greater. He wants to Make America Great Again!!!
The left’s playbook is Rules for Radicals, community organizer Saul Alinsky’s 1971 monograph on how to effect sweeping socialist change in a culture. Among other things, Alinsky advised that radical leftists accuse the opposition (Republicans and conservatives) of their own failings and be relentless at hammering away at it. Thus, the left’s mouthpieces—like Mr. Kimmel, mostly drawn from the entertainment industry—maintain a constant “Donald Trump is a liar” litany. Do you get it? Of course, you do, because by reading this Substack, you define yourself as one of the smartest people in the world. But just in case, let me make it perfectly clear: Kamala Harris is the Big Fat Liar. Her pants are on fire! Her nose is longer than a telephone wire!
And now, more of THE REAL DEAL, with your host, moi: According to the latest polls (September 26), Trump is leading Harris in Arizona and Georgia and is tied with her in North Carolina (where I live and cannot for the life of me figure out how the Republican candidate for Governor became the Republican candidate for governor…but that’s for another “Off the Cuff”).
Anyway, Praise God! We of the party with a sense of humor just might pull this thing out of the hat yet!
Copyright 2024, John K. Rosemond
I know there’s nothing new under the sun, but it’s still so strange that so many live by the playbook that if you tell the same lies often enough, people will believe you. I’m sure some do, but many just don’t care. I drove past a yard full of Democrat political signs today and one said like, “Country over Party.” It boggles my mind that anyone thinks voting for the Harris/Walz ticket odd putting country over party. I see it as the ultimate “Party—No Matter What.”
Thanks for the thoughts. I always appreciate your views. Would love to bring you to southeast Minnesota to talk about raising kids. A lot of parents need it.
Very well said, John. And 1000% accurate. Astonishing the number of people out there who don’t get it and plan to vote for this Commie.